Stoner Chef's Table
“Soldier Surprises Family - American Revolution”
Valley Creek Vineyards
Freaky Friday
The Muse
Balanced Breakfast
Attention Test
Pizza Tracker
Meet Cute
Paradox Brand Detergent
A Message from the San Francisco City Manager
Seven Minutes in Heaven
I Have No Son
Due Process
New Lightsaber
Loyalty — a (non-comedic) short film
“Loyalty” was made for the 2016 San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project. It was entirely written, shot, and edited in 48 hours after we randomly drew the "Period Piece" genre.
2016 Required Elements:
Character: Oliver or Olivia Lentwell, Inspector
Line: “There’s only one thing to say."
Prop: a handmade poster.
2nd Place Overall
Best Use of Line
Best Use of Prop
What's your biggest fear?
Freshen Up
Book Club
Bloody Mary
Anything to Drink?
The Perfect Bomb
The First Man in Space
The Dummy
Trivial Pursuit
The Birthday Card
The Gift of The Magi
The Gift of the Magi - The Director's Cut
(Be sure to watch the original first.)